Page 8 - Digitaltech Magazine October 2020
P. 8


                       three gAdgetS thAt will

                         SpiCe up life for diwAli

                  ith the advent  form, but, with the           individual, here are the    the Echo speaker in
                  of Diwali-a       paradigm shift in health  top three gadgets that        the market. Amazon
        Wfestival                   and wellbeing, the best  will serve as a good           Echo Dot is a smaller
        that shepherds new          Diwali gifts to galvanise  Diwali gift package-         version of the original
        beginnings and              people are tech-                                        Speakers that holds
        manifests the triumph       enabled gift packages.      Amazon Echo Dot             similar functionalities
        of good over evil and          Keeping in mind          Price- `2,449               and features like
        the light over darkness,    the budget and                 Amazon’s most            the Alexa-enabled
        let us manifest our         requirements of every       inexpensive gadget is       speakers and benefits
        space with gadgets that                                                             consumers in every
        shape our environment                                                               tech advanced way. A
        and bring light and                                                                 few important features
        happiness in our                                                                    or functionalities that
        journey.                                                                            furnishes Amazon Echo
           Diwali gift boxes                                                                Dot as a smart and
        usually comprise dry                                                                budget-friendly gadget
        fruits or chocolates                                                                are-
        as a representation of                                                              •   Briefs and updates
        goodness in its best                                                                   you with the current

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