Page 8 - Event Special and Zero Trust Edition 2021
P. 8

Jasmine Gorimar - Digital Transformation and
                                           Experience Program Head at Mahindra Group

                                           When  enquired  about  what  the  CIOs  think  about  the  current
                                           business  trends,  like  hybrid  workforce  and  evolving  business
                                           models, Jasmine Gorimar said, “There are a lot of possibilities in
                                           different  scenarios,  but  generalizing  that  hybrid  works
                                           everywhere may not be the right answer.”

                                           Udit Pahwa also shared his views on cybersecurity measures.
                                           “Along  with  the  pandemic,  the  Industry  4.0,  IoT,  and  the  5G
                                           coming up, it is going to be a bigger challenge on the security
                                           front.  We  will  need  all  the  support  from  OEMs  and  business
                                           partners in this," he said.

                                                                   Mukul Gupta -
             CISO, Head Operation, Information security and Quality – ATCS
       Elaborating  further  on  the  same  issue,  Mukul  Gupta  said,  “Cyber

       attacks are no more the concern of major corporates only. Even mid
       and  small-sized  companies  must  prepare  for  cybersecurity
       mitigation with the right approach.”

       On being asked about technology trends of 2022, most panelists
       agreed that cybersecurity would take the centre stage, while new
       trends  like  upskilling,  automation,  and  business  approaches  like

       human empathy, will gain priority.
       The session ended on a fun note, with NK Mehta asking the panelists
       to  share  what  offbeat  app  they  would  want  for  themselves  that

       could solve their quirky problems, which garnered some interesting
       and fun replies.

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