Page 10 - Digitaltech Media Women Edition March 2021
P. 10


           Women Leaders treading the

              Uncharted Path to Success

           At a time when the world is rapidly changing, it is not very surprising
             to come by key leadership roles in corporates that are helmed by

          women. This would have made an important headline a decade back
             but not anymore, as women continue to break the glass ceiling to

                 accomplish their goal of seeing themselves at par with men.

           That they are self-made leaders is what makes them different from
          the rest. The innumerable challenges that they come face to face with

           while going up the success ladder do not make them any less strong;
              rather their determination to achieve the impossible grows even

            stronger.  We present before you a few such names holding senior
          global positions at present and who share their unique experience of

                                      how they have made it big in life -

                     MARCH 2021
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